Cardas is our go-to for nearly all cable needs. Made in Bandon, Oregon Cardas' cables are all built with their own house-designed copper. This copper is US mined and processed, with an unwavering attention to detail throughout this process. Beyond the conductor itself, this attention is given to every single component and process throughout the entire cable making process.
For those interested in a deep dive of what Cardas does and why, they have an excellent write-up going through some of the history and design goals behind their incredible cables. Check it out here: https://www.cardas.com/deep-dive
Cardas available for demo -
Speaker: Clear Cygnus and Iridium
Interconnects: Clear Cygnus XLR and RCA, Iridium XLR and RCA
Power: Clear Beyond Power 15A and 20A, Iridium Power 15A. We also feature the Nautilus 20A Power Strip and the 4181 Duplex Outlet in our reference system.
Digital: Clear High Speed USB
For more information on Cardas products please reach out